The Stats:
Name: Benjamin Dumazot / El Media Group / New York, NY
Programs: Searsucker, Virgin Hotels, Cafeteria, Hu Kitchen, Harlow
Q: How do you find music for your programs?
I am constantly paying attention to the music where ever I go and take notes or shazam it. Hypemachine, Soundcloud, nme, Pitchfork are what I used the most but I have different blogs for different genre too. I also get a lot of music sent to me by records labels, distributors or promo companies like Shoplifter!
Q: What’s your all-time favorite track that you think works in just about every retail program?
I have to admit that I do try to sneak in “Lovesick” by Mura Masa everywhere at the moment… but “Long Hot Summer” by Style Council is an all time fav for programming !
Q: When you’re not programming music for stores, what are your interests and hobbies?
I am djing, producing music, working on placing music on sync opportunities on commercials, TV Shows and movies for Mybestfrench Music, discovering and collecting new and old music by any way I can. As an ex-Record Label guys I am interested in new music economic models in general. I believe that on-premise music consumption is key and will be playing a major role in the industry soon with on the spot library sharing and discovery, so I follow with great interest what is happening with streaming, jukebox type of apps and start ups.
Q: What Shoplifter release are you currently loving?
It is a tough question but I really like the entire Tropics album! It is perfect for summer, sexy, cool, refreshing and chill!